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Sthira & Sukha: A Yoga Sutra Embracing Stability and Ease

by | Aug 31, 2018 | Yoga

*UPDATED – August 10, 2022*

In the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, sutra 2.46 is “sthira-sukham asanam”. This sutra is commonly understood as “yoga postures should be stable, and the body be at ease.”

This Yoga Sutra focuses the practice of yoga postures and movements.

Aiming for steadiness and ease when practicing yoga movement is a valuable concept, but there is a deeper meaning of yoga practice.

Patanjali, a sage in India who penned a number of Sanskrit works, used the sutras to describe a path toward achieving samadhi, the highest state of mental focus and clarity. In this perspective, this sutra would refer to the quality of a practitioner’s meditation pose or seated posture. The practice of asana leads to an ease in the body and allows for extended time in physical stillness to shift the practice to concerns of the mind.

Yoga postures should be stable, and the body be at ease – sutra 2.46

A more literal translation of the sutra could be “in yoga, we should resolutely abide in a good space.”

Sthira etymologically comes from the root stha, which means “to stand, to be firm, to take a stand” and can mean “firm, compact, strong, steadfast, static, resolute, and courageous.”

Sukha comes from the root words su (good) and kha (space) so the literal meaning is “good space.”Sukha originally described the kind of smooth ride one would experience in a cart or a chariot whose axle holes were well centered in the wheels, implying the development of sukha as an active process.

Asana (most commonly referring to yogic movements) comes from the root as which suggests “the act of sitting down, abiding, dwelling, inhabiting, being present.” In this sutra, asana suggests being grounded and being fully present in the current action.

Sthira and Sukha Can Be Cultivated on Many Levels

The development of physical stability and ease of movement on the mat benefits our bodies. Creating a still, easy place for our minds allows for the practice of samadhi and deep meditation. In the broader sense of our full lives, sthira and sukha can be building a “good space” that allows for us to feel stable and have a sense of ease in the face of life challenges.

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